The Illusion of Security: What Jesus Taught About Storing Up Wealth
Faithful Finance
In today’s world, the constant barrage of FOMO-driven news and advice leaves many feeling stressed and anxious about their finances and future. But as followers of Jesus Christ, we are reminded that He is the living water—those who drink of Him will never thirst, while those who drink only from earthly wells will always be left wanting. This is more true in financial matters than in anything else.
This is the heart of faithful finance: aligning our financial decisions and perspective with the teachings of Jesus so that we can experience true spiritual freedom. Instead of chasing material wealth and security that can never truly satisfy, we embrace a mindset of stewardship, generosity, and trust in God’s provision. By following His path, we find lasting peace, freedom from financial anxiety, and a deeper sense of purpose in how we manage the resources entrusted to us.